a. RapidMY签收了您的快递但由于包裹快递单没有填写识别码或书写不清晰无法分辨属于哪位客人,所以不能入库。请联系我们的在线客服,提供快递公司以及快递单号,核实无误后为您完成入库;
b. 在节假日、周末有部分快递公司一般会先做签收状态,工作日后再派送包裹到RapidMY仓库;
c. RapidMY没有签收您的快递,可能是快递员错派或者漏件,出现这个情况您需要联系发件方与快递公司核实包裹的投递情况,如果是错派请要求重新投递到我们仓库。我们收到后帮您完成入库。
What happen if tracking information show receive but i can not see in 【已入库】
RapidMY will record all the package whin same day.There are some problem affect your package was been received but not in【已入库】:
a. RapidMY recieved your package but detail was not clear therefore we not sure what is package belong to. Please contact our Customer Service, provide courier company name tracking number, after Customer Service confirm your detail, we will record your package.
b. In holiday or weekend some courier will sign by themselve and will deliver next working day.
c. RapidMY did not receive your package, courier delivered to worong address. If happened please ask sender to contact courier company to delivery the correct address.